
Photo of Tanya

SAN JOSE, Calif., March 4, 2024 - 平台登录(纽约证券交易所代码:SJW)今天宣布Tanya Moniz-Witten将于3月25日加入公司, 2024, as president of San Jose Water (SJW). Tanya将负责领导圣何塞受监管的公用事业业务, driving strategy, financial performance, 建立和维护良好的监管和客户关系.

“坦尼娅将成为硅谷的一股真正的力量,” stated SJW Group Chair, President and CEO Eric W. Thornburg. “平台登录非常高兴Tanya选择担任DG真人游戏务公司的总裁!  Tanya是一位非常有才华的仆人领导者,拥有超过20年的大型公用事业经验, complex organizations.  她拥有丰富的运营经验,领导着加利福尼亚州和马萨诸塞州的高绩效团队, 对员工的安全和敬业度有坚定的承诺.  Additionally, 她在湾区长大,和平台登录有着同样的社区服务理念,并为平台登录的客户提供世界一流的服务.”  

Moniz-Witten从National Grid(纽约证券交易所上市公司)加入SJW.  在这里,她担任配电现场运营副总裁.  在此之前,她曾在太平洋天然气和电力公司(PG)工作&E)她曾担任各种职务,包括配电现场运营高级总监, Director of Public Safety and Regulatory, 仪表资产管理和工程总监.

莫尼兹-威滕曾就读于加州大学, 她在圣巴巴拉大学获得环境研究学士学位. 她还拥有宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院的工商管理硕士学位.

About San Jose Water

Founded in 1866, DG真人游戏务公司是一家投资者所有的公用事业公司, 它是美国最大、技术最先进的城市供水系统之一. 该公司为圣何塞大都会地区的100多万人提供服务. San Jose Water is owned by SJW Group, 在纽约证券交易所上市的公开交易公司,代码为SJW. SJW Group also owns: Connecticut Water Company in Connecticut; Maine Water Company in Maine; and Texas Water Company in Texas. To learn more about San Jose Water, visit: bomabearing.com.

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Forward-Looking Statements 

本新闻稿包含1995年《平台登录》意义上的前瞻性陈述, as amended. 其中一些前瞻性陈述可以通过使用前瞻性词汇来识别,例如“相信”,” “expects,” “estimates,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “seeks,” “plans,” “projects,” “may,” “should,” “will,或这些词或其他类似术语的否定. 这些前瞻性陈述仅为预测,可能存在风险, uncertainties, 以及难以预测的假设. 

这些前瞻性陈述涉及若干风险, uncertainties and assumptions including, but not limited to, 以下因素:(1)水的影响, utility, 环境和其他政府政策法规, including regulatory actions concerning rates, authorized return on equity, authorized capital structures, capital expenditures and other decisions; (2) changes in demand for water and other services; (3) unanticipated weather conditions and changes in seasonality including those affecting water supply and customer usage; (4) the effect of the impact of climate change; (5) unexpected costs, charges or expenses; (6) our ability to successfully evaluate investments in new business and growth initiatives; (7) contamination of our water supplies and damage or failure of our water equipment and infrastructure; (8) the risk of work stoppages, strikes and other labor-related actions; (9) catastrophic events such as fires, earthquakes, explosions, floods, ice storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, terrorist acts, physical attacks, cyber-attacks, epidemic, or similar occurrences; (10) changes in general economic, political, business and financial market conditions; (11) the ability to obtain financing on favorable terms, which can be affected by various factors, including credit ratings, changes in interest rates, compliance with regulatory requirements, 遵守平台登录未偿债务的条款和条件, and general market and economic conditions; and (12) legislative, and general market and economic developments. The risks, 不确定性和其他因素可能导致实际结果, 平台登录的表现或成就与任何未来结果有重大差异, 该等前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的业绩或成就. 

由于季节性和其他因素,一个季度的结果并不代表全年的结果. Other factors that may cause actual results, 在平台登录最近的10-K表格年度报告中描述了重大差异的表现或成就, 向SEC提交的10-Q表格季度报告和8-K表格当前报告. 前瞻性陈述并非对业绩的保证,仅在作出陈述之日起有效. 平台登录不承担公开更新或修改任何前瞻性声明的义务, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. 

Media Contact: 

Liann Walborsky

Director of Corporate Communications

408 918-7247
